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Organizations Websites
OMG - Object Management Group
The Object Management Group (OMG) is an open membership, not-for-profit consortium that produces and maintains computer industry specifications for interoperable enterprise applications. OMG Task Forces standardize Domain Facilities in industries such as healthcare, manufacturing, telecommunications, and others.

ACM - The First Society in Computing
ACM publishes, distributes, and archives original research and firsthand perspectives from the world's leading thinkers in computing and information technologies.

Object-Oriented Databases
This site offers the facts on object-oriented database architecture, product comparison, and an overview of object database technology and its use with Java and C++.


Object Oriented Databases Are Worth a Closer Look.
Object-oriented databases (OODBs) can offer considerable advantages over relational databases (RDBs), yet application developers often opt for RDBs. Don't shortchange yourself. Learn the pros and cons of the OODB option.
by Steve Franklin

Close-up on JDO: a Standard for Persistence of Java Business Objects
TechMetrix Research, February 2001

Data Types Revealed: The Data Type Concept in Review
by Fabian Pascal
SQL Server Magazine, May 1999

Dictionary of Object Technology: The Definitive Desk Reference
Firesmith, Donald G. and Eykholt, Edward M., December 1995

Object Storage Fact Book: Object DBMSs Release 5.0
by Douglas Barry, May 2001

Object-Oriented Software Construction, Second Edition
Bertrand Meyer, Prentice Hall, 1997

Best of Booch: Designing Strategies for Object Technology
Booch, Grady Eykholt, Edward, October 1996

Content Submission

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